Sept. 23-28, 2025 Bethpage Black Course, Farmingdale, NY

Tickets Terms and Conditions


  1. Tickets are issued by the French Branch of Ryder Cup 2018 Commercial Limited (“RC18CL”), and may only be used in accordance with these Conditions, which incorporate the Ground Regulations (available at all times and before the purchase of Tickets via (the “Official 2018 Ryder Cup Website”) at: //

Each Ticket grants the end user (the “Ticket Holder”) a licence to access Le Golf National, 2 avenue du golf, 78286 Guyancourt, France (the “Venue”) for the sole purpose of attending The 2018 Ryder Cup Match (the "Event") provided these Conditions and the Ground Regulations are complied with.

Any publication of the schedule of play is provided for reference only and RC18CL reserves the right to change the schedule of play at any time at its discretion.

Reference to “Tickets” means every ticket, pass, admission, accreditation and any other mechanism, permission, authority or right by which an individual is granted or gains access to the Venue for the Event.  In the event of any inconsistency between these Conditions and the terms of accreditation, the latter shall prevail.

  1. These Conditions:
  1. govern the use of the Tickets and are separate and in addition to the terms and conditions that govern the purchase, allocation or otherwise grant of Tickets; and
  2. will be printed in abbreviated form on the back of each Ticket. In the event of any inconsistency between these Conditions and the abbreviated form, these Conditions shall prevail.
  1. The Ground Regulations are those regulations that apply to or in respect of the Venue (as may be amended, supplemented or replaced from time to time). It is therefore recommended that the Ticket Holder refers regularly to the latest version of the Ground Regulations permanently available at: //

Regarding Tickets already purchased, it is acknowledged that amendments to the Ground Regulations may be required for security or other operational reasons or due to force majeure and accordingly those amendments shall apply immediately so as to be enforceable against the Ticket Holder.

  1. If the Ticket Holder seeks to impose any terms and conditions contrary to these Conditions and the Ground Regulations those terms and conditions shall not be enforceable against RC18CL unless otherwise expressly accepted by RC18CL.


  1. Admission to the Venue will only be authorised upon presentation of a valid Ticket.  Admission to the Venue will be permitted during such hours, and access shall be given to such areas, as specified on the Ticket or as published on or accessible via the Official 2018 Ryder Cup Website.
  1. Tickets sold by or obtained from any source other than RC18CL will NOT be valid.
  1. RC18CL reserves the right to require each Ticket Holder to provide RC18CL with any or all of a passport photograph that shows a true and accurate likeness of the Ticket Holder, his/her date of birth, full name, postal and email address or phone number or otherwise register as required.  Each Ticket Holder must also carry and, if so requested, present a valid photo ID (such as passport or driving licence) to validate the aforementioned information in order to gain admission.
  1. RC18CL may refuse admission to or eject from the Venue without refund a Ticket Holder who:
  1. does not produce a valid Ticket upon request; and/or
  2. is in breach of any of the Conditions (including the Ground Regulations); and/or
  3. fails to comply with instructions given for safety, security, organisational or operational reasons from any person authorised by RC18CL, including Ryder Cup related and Venue staff, contractors, officials, representatives, officers, volunteers, stewards or other security personnel, police officers and/or emergency or military services (each an “Authorised Person”); and/or
  4. disturbs the course of the Event or impairs the safety of persons or the security of goods; and/or
  5. uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour to any player or Authorised Person or otherwise in any way provokes or behaves in a manner which may provoke a breach of the peace or is acting under the influence of alcohol or drugs or fails, when required, to produce proof of identity or age; and/or
  6. enters any area within the Venue where he/she is not permitted (including without limitation inside the ropes); and/or
  7. is in possession of a Prohibited Item (as defined in the Ground Regulations); and/or
  8. fails to produce valid photo ID upon request; and/or
  9. is the subject of any judicial or administrative measure prohibiting him/her from entering into or being in the vicinity of a venue in which a sporting event is taking place.
  1. The Ground Regulations contain detailed lists of Prohibited Items and conduct and each Ticket Holder shall fully comply with any restrictions contained therein and any breach of Ground Regulations may result in the Ticket Holder being ejected from the Venue or demarcated area. In particular, without limiting the foregoing:
  1. Ticket Holders leaving the Venue will not be re-admitted;
  2. signs/banners/clothing or any other item which may be used for ambush marketing will not be permitted; and
  3. save for any camera embedded in any smart phone, traditional cameras are not permitted and may not be used at the Venue other than on practice days.
  1. Ticket Holders may be searched prior to entry into or within the Venue. Thus, the Ticket Holder may be invited to present items he/she is carrying for inspection. Any Ticket Holder refusing to be subject to controls, hand searches and inspections shall be denied access to the Venue or shall be ejected from the Venue.

Prohibited Items (as defined in the Ground Regulations) will not be permitted within the Venue.  Accordingly, security staff may oblige the Ticket Holder bearing any Prohibited Item to leave it outside the Venue or surrender the same, should he/she wish to enter or remain within the Venue. In case of refusal, the Ticket Holder shall be denied access to or be ejected from the Venue.

No alcohol may be brought into the Venue.  

  1. Save for guide dogs, no other pets or animals shall be permitted in the Venue.


  1. Tickets must not be:
  1. transferred; and/or
  2. donated or offered publicly (including on any website) for sale; and/or
  3. offered, transferred or used in the course of any business or otherwise for commercial purposes; and/or
  4. offered, transferred or used in relation to any promotional purpose, as a prize or otherwise bundled with any other goods or services (including as part of any hospitality or travel package (for example, by combining any Ticket with flights, hospitality or accommodation)) without the prior written authorisation of RC18CL.   

Any Ticket offered for sale, sold, transferred or otherwise used in breach of this Condition may be cancelled and deemed invalid.

  1. Any minor younger than 16 years old at the time of entry to the Venue must have his/her own valid Ticket, be accompanied by and under the responsibility of an adult in possession of a valid Ticket, who will ensure compliance by him/her with the Conditions and the Ground Regulations, failing which the minor and accompanying adult will be refused admission to or ejected from the Venue.
  1. For safety and security reasons and for the successful staging of the Event, children younger than 5 years old will not be admitted to the Venue.


  1. The Ticket Holder shall not engage in any form of Ambush Marketing (as defined in the Ground Regulations) and shall not conduct any activity that conflicts with, impairs or infringes the rights of any commercial partner of the Event.  
  1. The Ticket Holder shall not use or copy any of the trademarks, logos or intellectual property of RC18CL or any Ryder Cup company or as may be set out on a Ticket. 
  1. The Ticket Holder must comply with all applicable laws, signs, safety announcements and Ground Regulations whilst attending the Event.


  1. Photographs or other recordings of sound or images taken within a Venue may be used for personal, private, non-commercial purposes only, and accordingly the Ticket Holder shall be entitled to share or otherwise disseminate (but expressly excluding by way of live streaming) photographs via social media or equivalent platforms for non-commercial purposes to share the Ticket Holder’s experience (“Non-Commercial Use”). Save for Non-Commercial Use, it is strictly forbidden to make, distribute or otherwise disseminate over the internet, and it is strictly prohibited to make, distribute or otherwise disseminate over the radio, television or any other current and/or future media, any sound, picture, image, data, description, result and/or statistics of the matches in whole or in part, or to assist any other person(s) in conducting such activities. RC18CL reserves the right to prohibit all recordings of images or audio on match days. 
  1. The Ticket Holder may be photographed and/or filmed by RC18CL, its partners and/or any third parties authorised by RC18CL as well as by any media operators (television, newspaper, internet, etc.). Consequently, the Ticket Holder unconditionally and expressly consents, without compensation, to: (a) the recording of his/her voice and image by any means and in any media whilst at the Venue and: (b) the use of such recordings, simultaneously to their capture or any time afterwards, in any media now or hereafter existing (television, cinema, exhibitions, websites, social networks, press, etc.) by RC18CL, its partners and/or those otherwise authorised by it, for information purposes and/or for the purposes of promotion and/or representation of the Event and/or The Ryder Cup in general, of the Venue, of RC18CL and/or of RC18CL's partners.
  1. RC18CL reserves the right to restrict the use of any mobile phones, cameras, computers and other electronic equipment at the Event.


  1. Neither RC18CL, Ryder Cup Europe LLP (“RCE”), PGA European Tour nor their respective subsidiaries (“RCE Group”), shall have any responsibility or liability whatsoever arising out of the relocation, cancellation, abandonment, postponement or replaying of the Event due to an unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party or force majeure as defined under Article 1218 of the French Civil Code or recognised by French courts, even in the event that such cancellation, abandonment, postponement or replaying may prejudice the Ticket Holder. As a result, no member of the RCE Group shall be liable to pay any indemnification or damages in this respect.
  1. RC18CL shall not refund the purchase price of the Ticket (and shall have no liability for any further sums) where play is totally or partially cancelled or postponed due to an unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party or force majeure as defined under Article 1218 of the French Civil Code or recognised by French courts.  In all other events, RC18CL shall refund the purchase price of the Ticket on a pro rata basis in proportion to the time of play. In the absence of any play, the purchase price of the Ticket shall be reimbursed to the Ticket Holder.
  1. In the event of the postponement of the day, or part day, for which play was intended, the Ticket shall not be valid for the rearranged date. RC18CL shall therefore refund the purchase price of the Ticket to the Ticket Holder except where such postponement is due to an unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party or force majeure as defined under Article 1218 of the French Civil Code or recognised by French courts.
  1. In the event of play being extended to the following Monday, Tickets for the Sunday shall be valid for the extra day’s play (subject to the suitability of the Venue for spectators).
  1. RC18CL will accept no responsibility if the original Ticket is stolen or mislaid and Tickets cannot be replaced or refunded in such circumstances.
  1. The Ticket Holder shall not have any liability where the performance of his/her obligations is delayed, hindered or prevented by an unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party or force majeure as defined under Article 1218 of the French Civil Code or recognised by French courts.  RC18CL shall refund the purchase price of the Ticket to the Ticket Holder if the Ticket Holder is prevented from attending the Event due to an unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party or force majeure as defined under Article 1218 of the French Civil Code or recognised by French courts.


  1. RC18CL respects the privacy of the Ticket Holder and strictly complies with the French laws in force on the protection of privacy and civil liberties. Thus, RC18CL does not collect any information relating to the Ticket Holder without his/her knowledge and without his/her consent.

A Ticket Holder’s personal data is collected and used by RC18CL as the controller of the data being processed. Personal data may also be transferred (subject to to companies which contribute to the processing of orders placed by the Ticket Holder as well as to service providers in charge of the management of the

Personal data will also be used for the processing of Ticket orders, monitoring the commercial relationship between the Ticket Holder and RC18CL as well as for the purpose of feedback, commercial statistics, prospecting (marketing), assignment, licence or exchange of the Ticket Holder's personal data, management of requests for access, rectification and opposition. Such data will not be transferred to third parties for advertising or marketing purposes without the Ticket Holder's consent. RC18CL will not sell nor license any personal data collected from a Ticket Holder without his/her express prior consent.

With the express prior consent of the Ticket Holder, information about him/her may be communicated to members of the RCE Group and the use of such data shall be governed by the PGA European Tour privacy policy at: // In the event of any inconsistency between the PGA European Tour privacy policy and these Conditions, these Conditions shall prevail.

Depending on the choices made at the time of Ticket purchase, RC18CL may be entitled to pass on Ticket Holder data to Event sponsors and partner companies as indicated in the order process, and accordingly such Ticket Holder may receive offers from those Event sponsors and partner companies.

Pursuant to the provisions of French law No.78-17 of January 6, 1978 (modified), each person whose personal data is collected has a right of opposition, of access, or correction and of deletion of his/her data. He/she may exercise this right at any time by writing to RC18CL’s customer service by email ( or by mail (Ryder Cup 2018 Commercial Limited, Multiburo Trocadero, 14 avenue d’Eylau, 75016, Paris, France). He/she will have to prove his/her identity by attaching to his/her request a copy of his/her ID and to indicate in his/her email or mail his/her first name and last name and any relevant booking or account reference.

The data identified by an asterisk on the order form is necessary for the processing of the Ticket Holder's order, the performance of associated services and the monitoring of commercial relationships. In the absence of such data, RC18CL will not be able to process the Ticket Holder's order. Other data requested is intended to improve the Ticket Holder’s experience and is therefore optional and the Ticket Holder is free not to provide it.

The data collected is kept in a secure location accessible only by authorised employees.Any electronic backup procedures for the data collected are also compliant with French laws relating to personal data.

Personal data collected from the Ticket Holder is kept for the necessary time and as long as he/she has not asked for its destruction by RC18CL. In any event, personal data is not kept for more than 3 years from the end of the Event.

In case Tickets are bought by, lawfully allocated to or otherwise issued by way of contract to any legal entity, the latter will have to certify on the order form that it has: (a) informed the persons benefitting from the Tickets and whose personal data is required, of the collection of their data, the purposes of the processing, the recipients of such data and their right of opposition; and (b) obtained from them their express consent to communicate their data to RC18CL and allow its use according to the choices expressed by the legal entity on the order form.

  1. The Conditions (and Ground Regulations) constitute the entire agreement between the parties and no party shall have any claim or remedy in respect of any statement, representation, warranty or undertaking made by or on behalf of any other party in relation to the Conditions which is not already set out in the Conditions (and Ground Regulations).  If any provision of these terms is declared by any judicial or other competent authority to be void, voidable, illegal or otherwise unenforceable, the provision shall be amended in good faith. In any event, all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
  1. RC18CL reserves the right to make amendments to these Conditions from time to time at RC18CL’s sole discretion. A full copy of the Conditions will be available on the Official 2018 Ryder Cup Website.

It is therefore recommended that the Ticket Holder refers regularly to the latest version of the Conditions permanently available on the Official 2018 Ryder Cup Website.

Regarding Tickets already purchased, it is acknowledged that amendments to the Conditions that are required for security reasons or due to force majeure or that do not materially alter the rights and obligations of the Tickets Holders shall apply immediately.

  1. These Conditions have been drafted in French and in English. In the event of any discrepancy between the texts, the French version shall prevail with respect to francophone Ticket Holders. With respect to non-francophone Ticket Holders, the English text shall prevail.
  1. In the event of a dispute, an amicable solution shall be SOUGHT PRIOR TO ANY LEGAL ACTION.  to this end, and in the first instance, The ticket holder is asked To contact rc18cl's customer service (CONTACT details FOR which are set out in article 34 below) indicating his/her LAST NAME, first name, address, email and, where appropriate, the ticket number.

THE ticket holder may also use mediation. THE MEDIATOR IS NEITHER A JUDGE NOR AN ARBITRATOR; HE/SHE IS A NEUTRAL AND IMPARTIAL THIRD PARTY, INDEPENDENT FROM RC18CL. To this end, rc18cl proposes FOR the ticket holder to use, free of charge, the CMAP – Centre de Médiation et d’Arbitrage de Paris (CENTRE FOR MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION OF PARIS), 39 AVENUE FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, 75008 PARIS, FRANCE.

         This mediation procedure may be started only if Rc18cl’s customer service has not replied in a satisfactory manner to the ticket holder's written request. in that case, the ticket holder may contact the mediator: (A) via the "YOU ARE A CONSUMER" TAB on the cmap website (WWW.CMAP.FR); or (B) BY email TO  


  1. RC18CL’s Customer Service is at the disposal of Ticket Holders for any information or questions on Tickets, from Monday to Friday between 1000 hours and 1600 hours (CET):

Phone:                           +44 (0) 1344 840550 (non-surcharged call from a fixed phone)


Postal Address:            Ryder Cup 2018 Commercial Limited, Multiburo Trocadero, 14 avenue d’Eylau, 75016, Paris


© Ryder Cup Europe LLP 2017

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